
Showing posts from May, 2021
 I thought I'd check out the employment market. It looked surprisingly buoyant all things considered. It's been a while since I last worked for someone else and if lockdown has taught me anything, it's that I miss the office banter and the teamwork that I used to enjoy in a traditional workplace. This may of course just be those rose-tinted specs interfering. Being freelance ( or working from home ) casts you adrift on a sea of loneliness and it's been interesting to hear people who've been forced to work at home admit this. For me, a form of professional self-isolation has been the norm for over a decade. The trouble is, I don't think I understand what jobs are anymore. Anything ending in 'er' is OK - manag er , car er , teach er , broadcast er etc but it looks like a lot has happened to job descriptions since I last looked. What started as a bit of curious, half-hearted online investigation gave me a full-on hour of hilarity. I'm wondering if you