
At the start of every new year, I am encouraged to choose one little word that I wish to define my forthcoming year. In the past, I've opted for positive affirmations designed to encourage and inspire such as 'simplify' and 'aspire'. Had I know what this year was to hold I may have settled for 'hibernate' or 'delete' but hey, hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Retrospectively therefore, I am chosing , for the fisrt half of 2020 'stagnate' the dictionary definition of which reads 'to cease developing; to become inactive or dull'. Yes, that sums up my year so far.

Breaking with tradition, for what is tradition other than a stagnation of ideas coupled with a failure to move forward, I am choosing a new word for the second half of this annus horribilis and have chosen the word 'renew' . Enough of this energy-sapping introspection and lethargy. I am fed up to the gunwhales of lost opportunities, apathy and befuddled thinking.

Time to pull my finger out and stop making excuses for indecision and getting nothing done.


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