So how did this happen ?

The root of most non-essential spending is unhappiness apparently . I must have led a very miserable life in that case. Our home is full of Stuff. I have spent most of this summer getting rid of a lot of it but I realised I was just becoming more adept at shoe-horning it all into the available remaining square inches of space. I have 3 full boxes ( extra large ) of storage containers . Ironic ?

It has made me utterly miserable dealing with it all to the point of despair. I have to keep reminding myself of the motivation behind this life-changing exercise. To free up time and space and to live a simpler life. Every single item has required some sort of a decision - keep , re-home, chuck, donate, gift . It has been exhausting . A real 1st world 21st century problem I realise. With half the world starving and millions homeless, here I am wondering whether I really need 8 calculators . OK , so I'm a maths teacher but I can only use one at a time.

In all of this mess I have only given away 2 items that were subsequently enquired after ... and not by me. Eldest son's girlfriend went and bought an embroidery hoop just after I'd chuck out all of mine and youngest son hankered after a pizza stone that had been gathering dust and grease in the back of a kitchen cupboard and had only been used once.

So this is what it comes down to - a pizza stone and an embroidery hoop . Really ? I mean REALLY ?

It's a bit like starting a new school when you're young. You spend the first term making friends regardless of whether you like them or not and the rest of your school days trying to get rid of them. Harsh but true.

I cannot bear to throw away a used gift bag, a sheet of bubble wrap, a duplicate ruler ( I have about 20 ... I know ... the maths teacher thing again - see above ) in case I might need it one day . What the hell do I think I'll be doing on my death-bed ? Embroidering some bubble wrap on a pizza stone whilst measuring its circumference with a ruler and calculating the diameter on one of my many calculators ? FFS !

Enough .


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