Twenty things I did yesterday

  1. Got weighed - put on 1/2 lb
  2. Won woman of the year at Slimming World
  3. Ate at The Beech House with the boys
  4. Continued to clear out the crap
  5. Went to Ikea
  6. Called in on Michelle for a catch up
  7. Drank a Diet Coke
  8. Played Twist it with Max
  9. Spent too long on the internet
  10. Marked up the floor for my new teaching room
  11. Ate a SW Fruit and Nut bar
  12. Made a list of Ikea items I wanted to buy
  13. Charged my phone
  14. Weighed myself a lot
  15. Drove home when I shouldn't have
  16. Spoke a bit of French
  17. Ate a pizza
  18. Tried Max's Fade Away cocktail - delicious
  19. Bought Korean BBZ seaweed thins
  20. Took Ellen and Jasmine to the airport


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