
Showing posts from January, 2019

Facebook never ceases to amaze me.

The word HELP is often see in ads and posts on Facebook and never more starkly thrown into cruel relief by the following 2 posts. The first one has Unicef asking for help to prevent starvation and almost certain death of thousands of children in war-torn Yemen. Following immediately after it is an American woman asking for help on how to organise her glitter bottles in her craft room. You couldn't make it up .

Be careful once you let it out

And so the post-Christmas meltdown arrived a little later than usual. But at least this time I know the answer is not to sob but to write. It's the thing that keeps me going. I don't know why. I have a houseful of selfish adults ( now all post 18 ) hell-bent on living life on their terms, their agenda, their whims and desires. I blame those crappy motivational posters that tell you that you CAN have everything and if you dream it you can do it - no you fucking can't. Meanwhile, I'm here keeping my shit together , facilitating, enabling, encouraging, sacrificing ( trying not to slip into martyrdom ) and all with that brave grin on my face. Then the straw gets added to the camel's back and it all comes crashing down. I've told H to give me a very wide berth today and that everyone else can go to hell in a hand cart. Christmas does this to me. No-one asks me to put on the show but I do it anyway because I think that's what's expected of me. I only hav