
Showing posts from October, 2018

First post for my new blog

Fed up with Blogger as I've had to create a new blog but hey - this is a new chapter in my life so why not re-invent my blog at the same time. The title of this blog tells it all. Both my boys have left home so I'm officially an Emptynester now. I rather like this title. It summons an image of a Mummy bird watching her chicks fly the nest after raising them to be fine young adults, then turning to see what's left - a few scrawny twigs and a mish mash of flotsam and jetsam that was once filled with love and laughter and a few tears along the way I'm not alone in this nest. I have my husband and two cats to keep me company but boy does it feel empty nonetheless. I quite like change. I embrace it. I used to be quite good at it in my younger career days. A change of this proportion though is quite a minefield or emotions. It didn't help that I turned 60 whilst it happened, nor that youngest son has struggled in his first few weeks of university . In between the te